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"Alewives" – How to Get Unstuck

"What I Did On My Summer VacationNo Tokens Journal 

"The Lost Art of Shushing"– Joyland Magazine


"The First Expedition"– Human Parts

"Some Fun"– Katherine Anne Porter Prize for Fiction finalist, Nimrod International Journal   issue #40

"The Rut"– Joyland Magazine

"New City" – Brooklyn Quarterly

"The Twitches" – MAKE Magazine 

"Spare Parts" – Five Chapters

"The Kidnapped" – Brink Magazine


  An excerpt of Unseen City – Gotham Writers

 "This Is a What" – Locus Novus


 "The News from Guthrie, Oklahoma" Elimae


 "Once We Had Hundreds of Chairs" Gutcult



 "House From the Bottom" Silent Beaches, Untold Stories: New York City's Forgotten  Waterfront (Damiani)


 "Wax and Wane" – The History of a Day (Burnt Books)


  Photo-Me” – Requiem for a Paper Bag: Celebrities and Civilians Tell Stories of the  Best Lost, Tossed, and Found Items from Around the World (FOUND Magazine/Simon &  Schuster) 


 Amy’s fiction has also appeared in the print literary journals Grist, Opium, West Branch,     Passages North, 3rd Bed, Salt Hill, and elsewhere. Her poems have appeared in Lyric Poetry Review.

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