How To Get Unstuck - every month, a new essay about the creative life
"Night Garbage"- Pigeon Pages
"I blew up my life, then I wrote this book" - Substack
"9 Books About Forbidden Desire" - Tertulia
"The Epistolary Now: A Letter of Recommendation for Reading (and Writing) the Epistolary Novel" - Sub Club
"How to Write a Novel on Your Lunch Break" - Substack
"Writing Is About Making Choices" - The Lit Lab
"How to Write an Essay Everyone Wants to Read" - Creators Hub (70K reads & counting!)
"How I Found The Time To Write A Book" - Creators Hub
"How Literary Ghosts Can Help Us All Be A Little More Human" - Lit Hub
"What Creative People Can Learn from Diana Nyad, Tommy Caldwell, and Frigate Birds" - Catapult
"Inauguration Day in Berlin" - Human Parts
"Why Sharing Phone Locations is my Love Language" - Another Jane Pratt Thing
"The Moment I Got What it Means to be Treated Well in a Relationship" - Oprah Daily
"The Urge to Disappear" - Mutha
"Seeing Someone" - Memoirland
"The One Kind of Man I Can Never Marry Again" - Oprah Daily
"A Cure for the Existential Crisis of Married Motherhood" - New York Times
"The Woman Who Walked Alone" - The Lonely Stories anthology
"How a Missing Sock Changed My Life" - New York Times Modern Love
"Happier Than Ever" - Oldster
"It Is Solved By Walking" - Human Parts
"Broken, Lost, Tossed, Found" - Medium
"All Hail Emily Dickinson, the Quarantine Queen" - Medium
"Pandemic Parenting: A Hair Story"- Medium
"In Praise of Terrible Dresses"- Medium
"Everything is Made Up Anyway"- Medium
"What Happens When You Go Full Stoic" - Forge
"Why Traveling Alone Is The Least Lonely Way to Go" - Airbnb Magazine
"When Swimming Felt Like Prayer" - Forward
"New York: A Ghost Story" – Atticus Review
"The Quimby Years" – Columbia Journal
"Why Are We So Obsessed With Creepy Dolls?" – Electric Literature
"A Heart-Shaped Life" – Longreads
"The Surprising Magic of Bad Books" - The Rumpus
"It's Women Writers Who've 'Struggled'" - DAME
"A Goofy State of Mind: My Grandmother's Letters from Martha Gellhorn" - The Millions
"Why Print is Dead: The Worst Magazine Prank Ever" - The L Magazine
"The Long Haul" - Medium
"The Pilgrimage of the Writing Life" – Pilgrimages: A Journal of Dorothy Richardson Studies
"The (Gratifying, Frustrating, Limit-Testing, Inspiring) Long Haul" – Real Simple
"What You Miss Most Is An Essential Clue to Who You Are" - Forge
"The Secret Glee of Shy People and Plan-Cancelers in Coronatimes" - Forge
"The Utopian Roots of the Artist's Retreat" – JSTOR Daily
"In Praise of Small Presses" – JSTOR Daily
"How American Girl Dolls Teach History (And Revolution)" – JSTOR Daily
"What To Do When You're Feeling Defeated" – Oprah.com
"What We Learn from Literary Heroines" – Oprah.com
"Things Every Woman Should Write Down Right Now” – Oprah.com
"An Open Letter to George Bailey" – The Rumpus
"The Terrors of Tinytown" – Mr. Beller's Neighborhood
"The Most Excellent and Lamentable Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet, Told Entirely in Emoticons" – Yankee Pot Roast
Posts for The Nervous Breakdown
Amy's personal essays and cultural criticism have also appeared in the print publications Real Simple, Martha Stewart Living, Poets & Writers, Modern Painters, and the late, great Jane.