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How To Get Unstuck - every month, a new essay about the creative life




"Night Garbage"- Pigeon Pages 


"I blew up my life, then I wrote this book" - Substack

"9 Books About Forbidden Desire" - Tertulia

"The Epistolary Now: A Letter of Recommendation for Reading (and Writing) the   Epistolary Novel" - Sub Club

"How to Write a Novel on Your Lunch Break" - Substack

"Writing Is About Making Choices" - The Lit Lab

"How to Write an Essay Everyone Wants to Read" - Creators Hub (70K reads & counting!)

"How I Found The Time To Write A Book" - Creators Hub


"How Literary Ghosts Can Help Us All Be A Little More Human" - Lit Hub


"What Creative People Can Learn from Diana Nyad, Tommy Caldwell, and Frigate Birds- Catapult


"Inauguration Day in Berlin" - Human Parts

"Why Sharing Phone Locations is my Love Language" - Another Jane Pratt Thing


"The Moment I Got What it Means to be Treated Well in a Relationship" - Oprah Daily

"The Urge to Disappear" - Mutha 

"Seeing Someone" - Memoirland

"The One Kind of Man I Can Never Marry Again" - Oprah Daily

"A Cure for the Existential Crisis of Married Motherhood" - New York Times

"The Woman Who Walked Alone" - The Lonely Stories anthology

"How a Missing Sock Changed My Life" - New York Times Modern Love

"Happier Than Ever" - Oldster

"It Is Solved By Walking" - Human Parts

"Broken, Lost, Tossed, Found" - Medium

"All Hail Emily Dickinson, the Quarantine Queen" - Medium

"Pandemic Parenting: A Hair Story"- Medium

"In Praise of Terrible Dresses"- Medium

"Everything is Made Up Anyway"- Medium

"What Happens When You Go Full Stoic" - Forge

"Why Traveling Alone Is The Least Lonely Way to Go" - Airbnb Magazine

"When Swimming Felt Like Prayer" - Forward

"New York: A Ghost Story" – Atticus Review


"The Quimby Years" – Columbia Journal

"Why Are We So Obsessed With Creepy Dolls?"   Electric Literature  

"A Heart-Shaped Life"  – Longreads

"The Surprising Magic of Bad Books" - The Rumpus

"It's Women Writers Who've 'Struggled'" - DAME

"A Goofy State of Mind: My Grandmother's Letters from Martha Gellhorn" - The Millions

"Why Print is Dead: The Worst Magazine Prank Ever" - The L Magazine 



 "The Long Haul" - Medium 

"The Pilgrimage of the Writing LifePilgrimages: A Journal of Dorothy Richardson  Studies 

"The (Gratifying, Frustrating, Limit-Testing, Inspiring) Long HaulReal Simple


  All Posts on Forge


 "What You Miss Most Is An Essential Clue to Who You Are" - Forge 

 "The Secret Glee of Shy People and Plan-Cancelers in Coronatimes" - Forge

  All Posts on JSTOR Daily 


 "The Utopian Roots of the Artist's Retreat JSTOR Daily

  "In Praise of Small Presses" JSTOR Daily 

  "How American Girl Dolls Teach History (And Revolution)" JSTOR Daily


   All Posts on



 "What To Do When You're Feeling Defeated"


 "What We Learn from Literary Heroines​


 "Things Every Woman Should Write Down Right Now 


 "An Open Letter to George Bailey" The Rumpus

 "The Terrors of TinytownMr. Beller's Neighborhood

 "The Most Excellent and Lamentable Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet, Told Entirely in         Emoticons"  Yankee Pot Roast 

  Posts for The Nervous Breakdown​



 Amy's personal essays and cultural criticism have also appeared in the print publications Real Simple, Martha Stewart Living, Poets & Writers, Modern Painters, and the late, great Jane.


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